Olympic Day is much more than just a sports event, it is a day for the world to get active, learn about Olympic values and discover new sports. Based on the three pillars move, learn and discover, National Olympic Committees are organising sports, cultural and educational activities throughout the world.

Move, Learn and Discover
Some countries have incorporated the event into the school curriculum and, in recent years, many NOCs have added concerts and exhibitions to the celebration. Recent NOC activities have included meetings for children and young people with top athletes and Olympians and the development of new web sites directing people to programmes in their neighbourhood. This makes it easier for everybody to become part of Olympic Day.

Encourage people to get active on Olympic Day. “Move” can refer to all sorts of physical activity for people of all ages and abilities. Olympic Day Run, individual and team sports.

Olympic Day is a great opportunity to look at the contribution of sport to global social issues that can affect your community, such as education, health promotion, HIV prevention, women’s and girls’ empowerment, environmental protection, peace building and local community development. Being a responsible citizen is also part of the philosophy of Olympism! The teaching of Olympic values is also important for this pillar, which are excellence, friendship and respect.

Discover is all about inviting and encouraging people to try new sports and activities that they have never done before. It is also an opportunity to introduce them to sports which they may not have easy access to or are lesser known in their region.
