The Defendants Include Two Current FIFA Vice Presidents and the Current and Former Presidents of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF); Seven Defendants Arrested Overseas; Guilty Pleas for Four Individual Defendants and Two Corporate Defendants Also Unsealed

A 47-count indictment was unsealed early this morning in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, charging 14 defendants with racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies, among other offenses, in connection with the defendants’ participation in a 24-year scheme to enrich themselves through the corruption of international soccer.  The guilty pleas of four individual defendants and two corporate defendants were also unsealed today.

The defendants charged in the indictment include high-ranking officials of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the organization responsible for the regulation and promotion of soccer worldwide, as well as leading officials of other soccer governing bodies that operate under the FIFA umbrella.  Jeffrey Webb and Jack Warner – the current and former presidents of CONCACAF, the continental confederation under FIFA headquartered in the United States – are among the soccer officials charged with racketeering and bribery offenses.  The defendants also include U.S. and South American sports marketing executives who are alleged to have systematically paid and agreed to pay well over $150 million in bribes and kickbacks to obtain lucrative media and marketing rights to international soccer tournaments.

The charges were announced by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, Acting U.S. Attorney Kelly T. Currie of the Eastern District of New York, Director James B. Comey of the FBI, Assistant Director in Charge Diego W. Rodriguez of the FBI’s New York Field Office, Chief Richard Weber of the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) and Special Agent in Charge Erick Martinez of the IRS-CI’s Los Angeles Field Office.

Also earlier this morning, Swiss authorities in Zurich arrested seven of the defendants charged in the indictment, the defendants Jeffrey Webb, Eduardo Li, Julio Rocha, Costas Takkas, Eugenio Figueredo, Rafael Esquivel and José Maria Marin, at the request of the United States.  Also this morning, a search warrant is being executed at CONCACAF headquarters in Miami, Florida.

The guilty pleas of the four individual and two corporate defendants that were also unsealed today include the guilty pleas of Charles Blazer, the long-serving former general secretary of CONCACAF and former U.S. representative on the FIFA executive committee; José Hawilla, the owner and founder of the Traffic Group, a multinational sports marketing conglomerate headquartered in Brazil; and two of Hawilla’s companies, Traffic Sports International Inc. and Traffic Sports USA Inc., which is based in Florida.

“The indictment alleges corruption that is rampant, systemic, and deep-rooted both abroad and here in the United States,” said Attorney General Lynch.  “It spans at least two generations of soccer officials who, as alleged, have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks.  And it has profoundly harmed a multitude of victims, from the youth leagues and developing countries that should benefit from the revenue generated by the commercial rights these organizations hold, to the fans at home and throughout the world whose support for the game makes those rights valuable.  Today’s action makes clear that this Department of Justice intends to end any such corrupt practices, to root out misconduct, and to bring wrongdoers to justice – and we look forward to continuing to work with other countries in this effort.”

Attorney General Lynch extended her grateful appreciation to the authorities of the government of Switzerland, as well as several other international partners, for their outstanding assistance in this investigation.

“Today’s announcement should send a message that enough is enough,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Currie.  “After decades of what the indictment alleges to be brazen corruption, organized international soccer needs a new start – a new chance for its governing institutions to provide honest oversight and support of a sport that is beloved across the world, increasingly so here in the United States.  Let me be clear: this indictment is not the final chapter in our investigation.”

Acting U.S. Attorney Currie extended his thanks to the agents, analysts and other investigative personnel with the FBI New York Eurasian Joint Organized Crime Squad and the IRS-CI Los Angeles Field Office, as well as their colleagues abroad, for their tremendous effort in this case.

“As charged in the indictment, the defendants fostered a culture of corruption and greed that created an uneven playing field for the biggest sport in the world,” said Director Comey.  “Undisclosed and illegal payments, kickbacks, and bribes became a way of doing business at FIFA.  I want to commend the investigators and prosecutors around the world who have pursued this case so diligently, for so many years.”

“When leaders in an organization resort to cheating the very members that they are supposed to represent, they must be held accountable,” said Chief Weber.  “Corruption, tax evasion and money laundering are certainly not the cornerstones of any successful business.  Whether you call it soccer or football, the fans, players and sponsors around the world who love this game should not have to worry about officials corrupting their sport.  This case isn't about soccer, it is about fairness and following the law.  IRS-CI will continue to investigate financial crimes and follow the money wherever it may lead around the world, leveling the playing field for those who obey the law.”

The charges in the indictment are merely allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

The Enterprise

FIFA is composed of 209 member associations, each representing organized soccer in a particular nation or territory, including the United States and four of its overseas territories.  FIFA also recognizes six continental confederations that assist it in governing soccer in different regions of the world.  The U.S. Soccer Federation is one of 41 member associations of the confederation known as CONCACAF, which has been headquartered in the United States throughout the period charged in the indictment.  The South American confederation, called CONMEBOL, is also a focus of the indictment.

As alleged in the indictment, FIFA and its six continental confederations, together with affiliated regional federations, national member associations and sports marketing companies, constitute an enterprise of legal entities associated in fact for purposes of the federal racketeering laws.  The principal – and entirely legitimate – purpose of the enterprise is to regulate and promote the sport of soccer worldwide.

As alleged in the indictment, one key way the enterprise derives revenue is to commercialize the media and marketing rights associated with soccer events and tournaments.  The organizing entity that owns those rights – as FIFA and CONCACAF do with respect to the World Cup and Gold Cup, their respective flagship tournaments – sells them to sports marketing companies, often through multi-year contracts covering multiple editions of the tournaments.  The sports marketing companies, in turn, sell the rights downstream to TV and radio broadcast networks, major corporate sponsors and other sub-licensees who want to broadcast the matches or promote their brands.  The revenue generated from these contracts is substantial: according to FIFA, 70% of its $5.7 billion in total revenues between 2011 and 2014 was attributable to the sale of TV and marketing rights to the 2014 World Cup.

The Racketeering Conspiracy

The indictment alleges that, between 1991 and the present, the defendants and their co-conspirators corrupted the enterprise by engaging in various criminal activities, including fraud, bribery and money laundering.  Two generations of soccer officials abused their positions of trust for personal gain, frequently through an alliance with unscrupulous sports marketing executives who shut out competitors and kept highly lucrative contracts for themselves through the systematic payment of bribes and kickbacks.  All told, the soccer officials are charged with conspiring to solicit and receive well over $150 million in bribes and kickbacks in exchange for their official support of the sports marketing executives who agreed to make the unlawful payments.

Most of the schemes alleged in the indictment relate to the solicitation and receipt of bribes and kickbacks by soccer officials from sports marketing executives in connection with the commercialization of the media and marketing rights associated with various soccer matches and tournaments, including FIFA World Cup qualifiers in the CONCACAF region, the CONCACAF Gold Cup, the CONCACAF Champions League, the jointly organized CONMEBOL/CONCACAF Copa América Centenario, the CONMEBOL Copa América, the CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores and the Copa do Brasil, which is organized by the Brazilian national soccer federation (CBF).  Other alleged schemes relate to the payment and receipt of bribes and kickbacks in connection with the sponsorship of CBF by a major U.S. sportswear company, the selection of the host country for the 2010 World Cup and the 2011 FIFA presidential election.

The Indicted Defendants

As set forth in the indictment, the defendants and their co-conspirators fall generally into three categories: soccer officials acting in a fiduciary capacity within FIFA and one or more of its constituent organizations; sports media and marketing company executives; and businessmen, bankers and other trusted intermediaries who laundered illicit payments.

Nine of the defendants were FIFA officials by operation of the FIFA statutes, as well as officials of one or more other bodies:

  • Jeffrey Webb: Current FIFA vice president and executive committee member, CONCACAF president, Caribbean Football Union (CFU) executive committee member and Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) president.

  • Eduardo Li: Current FIFA executive committee member-elect, CONCACAF executive committee member and Costa Rican soccer federation (FEDEFUT) president.

  • Julio Rocha: Current FIFA development officer.  Former Central American Football Union (UNCAF) president and Nicaraguan soccer federation (FENIFUT) president.

  • Costas Takkas: Current attaché to the CONCACAF president.  Former CIFA general secretary.

  • Jack Warner: Former FIFA vice president and executive committee member, CONCACAF president, CFU president and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) special adviser.

  • Eugenio Figueredo: Current FIFA vice president and executive committee member.  Former CONMEBOL president and Uruguayan soccer federation (AUF) president.

  • Rafael Esquivel: Current CONMEBOL executive committee member and Venezuelan soccer federation (FVF) president.

  • José Maria Marin: Current member of the FIFA organizing committee for the Olympic football tournaments.  Former CBF president.

  • Nicolás Leoz: Former FIFA executive committee member and CONMEBOL president.

Four of the defendants were sports marketing executives:

  • Alejandro Burzaco: Controlling principal of Torneos y Competencias S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates.

  • Aaron Davidson: President of Traffic Sports USA Inc. (Traffic USA).

  • Hugo and Mariano Jinkis: Controlling principals of Full Play Group S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates.

And one of the defendants was in the broadcasting business but allegedly served as an intermediary to facilitate illicit payments between sports marketing executives and soccer officials:

  • José Margulies:  Controlling principal of Valente Corp. and Somerton Ltd.

The Convicted Individuals and Corporations

The following individuals and corporations previously pleaded guilty under seal:

On July 15, 2013, the defendant Daryll Warner, son of defendant Jack Warner and a former FIFA development officer, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging him with wire fraud and the structuring of financial transactions.

On Oct. 25, 2013, the defendant Daryan Warner waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a three-count information charging him with wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and the structuring of financial transactions.  Daryan Warner forfeited over $1.1 million around the time of his plea and has agreed to pay a second forfeiture money judgment at the time of sentencing.

On Nov. 25, 2013, the defendant Charles Blazer, the former CONCACAF general secretary and a former FIFA executive committee member, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a 10-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, income tax evasion and failure to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).  Blazer forfeited over $1.9 million at the time of his plea and has agreed to pay a second amount to be determined at the time of sentencing.

On Dec. 12, 2014, the defendant José Hawilla, the owner and founder of the Traffic Group, the Brazilian sports marketing conglomerate, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a four-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and obstruction of justice.  Hawilla also agreed to forfeit over $151 million, $25 million of which was paid at the time of his plea.

On May 14, 2015, the defendants Traffic Sports USA Inc. and Traffic Sports International Inc. pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy.

All money forfeited by the defendants is being held in reserve to ensure its availability to satisfy any order of restitution entered at sentencing for the benefit of any individuals or entities that qualify as victims of the defendants’ crimes under federal law.

* * * *

The indictment unsealed today has been assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Raymond J. Dearie of the Eastern District of New York.

The indicted and convicted individual defendants face maximum terms of incarceration of 20 years for the RICO conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering conspiracy, money laundering and obstruction of justice charges.  In addition, Eugenio Figueredo faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for a charge of naturalization fraud and could have his U.S. citizenship revoked.  He also faces a maximum term of incarceration of five years for each tax charge.  Charles Blazer faces a maximum term of incarceration of 10 years for the FBAR charge and five years for the tax evasion charges; and Daryan and Daryll Warner face maximum terms of incarceration of 10 years for structuring financial transactions to evade currency reporting requirements.  Each individual defendant also faces mandatory restitution, forfeiture and a fine.  By the terms of their plea agreements, the corporate defendants face fines of $500,000 and one year of probation.

The government’s investigation is ongoing.

The government’s case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Evan M. Norris, Amanda Hector, Darren A. LaVerne, Samuel P. Nitze, Keith D. Edelman and Brian D. Morris of the Eastern District of New York, with assistance provided by the Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs and Organized Crime and Gang Section.

The Indicted Defendants:


Age:  50

Nationality: Argentina


Age:  44

Nationality: USA


Age:  68

Nationality: Venezuela


Age:   83

Nationality: USA, Uruguay


Age:   70

Nationality: Argentina


Age:   40

Nationality: Argentina


Age:   86

Nationality: Paraguay


Age:   56

Nationality: Costa Rica

JOSÉ MARGULIES, also known as José Lazaro

Age:   75

Nationality: Brazil


Age:   83

Nationality: Brazil


Age:   64

Nationality: Nicaragua


Age:   58

Nationality: United Kingdom


Age:   72

Nationality: Trinidad and Tobago


Age:   50

Nationality: Cayman Islands

The Convicted Defendants:


Age:   70

Nationality: USA


Age:   71

Nationality: Brazil


Age:   46

Nationality: Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada


Age:   40

Nationality: USA, Trinidad and Tobago


Registered:  British Virgin Islands


Registered:  USA

E.D.N.Y. Docket Numbers:

United States v. Daryll Warner, 13 Cr. 402 (WFK)

United States v. Daryan Warner, 13 Cr. 584 (WFK)

United States v. Charles Blazer, 13 Cr. 602 (RJD)

United States v. José Hawilla, 14 Cr. 609 (RJD)

United States v. Traffic Sports International, Inc., 14 Cr. 609 (RJD)

United States v. Traffic Sports USA, Inc., 14 Cr. 609 (RJD)

United States v. Jeffrey Webb et al., 15 Cr. 252 (RJD)


Trinidad and Tobago capped off their inaugural International Badminton Tournament campaign by capturing two bronze medals in the Men’s and Women’s Doubles events on the penultimate night of action at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sporting Arena, Tacarigua, on Saturday.

And even though both local teams were on the losing end of their respective semi-final match-ups, they still emerged joint third along with other losing semi-finalists.

In the male semifinal, an experienced Alistair Espinoza teamed with the youthful Will Lee to face Mexicans Luis Ramon Garrido/ Lino Munoz. The TT duo tried valiantly to stay within contention but was dominated by the visitors losing out 10-21, 9-21. Espinoza and Lee shared the bronze with William Cabrera/ Nelson Javier (Dominican Republic), who lost the other semi-final 8-21, 19-21 to second seeded Mexican team, Job Castillo/ Antonio Ocegueda.

In the women’s equivalent, Trinidad and Tobago Squash Association (TTSA) public relations officer Kamasha Robertson joined forces with Avril Plaza Marcelle to duel with Mexicans Haramara Gaitan/ Sabrina Solis.

Like the men, the local women did not match-up well with their rivals and were eventually conquered 9-21, 11-21 by the in-form Mexican pair. Robertson/ Marcelle split their third place finish with Chileans Tingting Chou/ Camila Macaya, who went down 11-21, 12-21 at the hands of female second seeds, Cynthia Gonzalez/ Mariana Ugalde (Mexico).

Meanwhile, Men’s Singles fifth seed Martin Giuffre (Canada) may have caused the upset of the tournament of Saturday night as he eliminated current Pan American champion and the division’s second ranked player, Osleni Guerrero (Cuba), in a tightly contested encounter. Guerrero won the opening game 19-21 and seemed set for the victory.

However, Giuffre had other plans and levelled with a 21-19 win in the second. Into the third and decisive game, the Canadian showed his promise against the ace Cuban by producing a 21-16 victory to advance to last night’s coveted finals. Additionally, up to press time last night the championship matches in all categories got underway. However, there were no local representatives vying for gold.

Other Results:

Men Singles Semi-Finals

Luis Ramon Garrido (Mexico) bt Rosario Maddaloni (Mexico) 21-15, 21-17; Martin Giuffre (Canada) bt Osleni Guerrero (Cuba) 19-21, 21-19, 21-16.

Women’s Singles Semi-Finals

Jeanine Cicognini (Italy) bt Camilla Garcia (Canada) 21-15, 21-14; Elisabeth Baldauf (Austria) bt Haramara Gaitan (Mexico) 21-18, 21-18.

Mixed Doubles

Lino Munoz/ Cynthia Gonzalez (Mexico) bt Ivan Leon/ Camilla Macaya (Chile) 21-11, 21-15; David Obernosterer/ Elisabeth Baldauf (Austria) bt Job Castillo/ Sabrina Solis 21-12, 21-14.


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has indicated that the matter involving the stripping of USA’s 2012 Olympic 4x100m relay silver medal is still ongoing and yet to reach a conclusion.

Speaking to Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) president, Brian Lewis, yesterday, he revealed that the IOC has finally responded to an email of enquiry which he sent to the governing body last week.

“What the IOC has said categorically to us is that the process is still ongoing,” remarked Lewis. “The US Olympic Committee athletes, having been notified, now have 21 days to respond. If they don’t object (to the decision), the IOC will now meet to consider, and they will take on board a number of factors including the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) reclassification recommendation.”

Lewis is unsure though when the US Olympic Committee was officially notified. International reports on May 13 revealed that the entire USA 4x100m relay team was stripped of their London 2012 Olympic silver medals as a consequence of a positive test of US sprinter Tyson Gay. The former 100m and 200m world champion Gay was suspended for a year after testing positive for a banned anabolic steroid. The 32-year-old returned his London 2012 medal when his suspension was announced in May 2014. Now the IOC later indicated to US Olympic authorities that the whole team (Trell Kimmons, Justin Gatlin, Ryan Bailey, Jeffery Demps, Darvis Patton) must return their medals.

Lewis added: “Whatever decision the IOC comes to, it is at that point that they will notify the National Olympic Committee concerned, which in this case is ours. At this particular point in time, no decision has been made with regards to the reclassification or the reallocation. With the IOC having confirmed that the process is still ongoing, the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee has to await the results of that particular process that is ongoing.”

If reports are confirmed by the IOC, TT’s bronze medal quartet of Keston Bledman, Richard Thompson, Emmanuel Callender and Marc Burns will be bumped up into silver medal position, while fourth placed France will be elevated to third. It would be a remarkable ending for the TT men who initially finished fourth in the final but fortune favoured them as Canada — who placed third — were disqualified for a lane violation.


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) informed the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) yesterday that it had officially begun the process that could lead to reallocation of medals from the London 2012 Games.

TTOC president Brian Lewis said that the IOC had confirmed to the TTOC yesterday that the IOC had officially written the United States Olympic athletes stripping United States of their London 2012 silver medal.

"They now have 21 days to respond. If there is no objection within the 21 days, then the IOC will consider re-allocation," TTOC president Brian Lewis said.

Lewis said the IOC had advised there were a number of factors to consider, including the re-classification under the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF).

"Once these (factors) have been considered, a recommendation for re-allocation will be made. And it is at that point only that the national Olympic committee involved, in this case us (TTOC) will be officially notified," Lewis said.

Lewis added that the IOC had indicated that the process is "a bit drawn out" but that the process had to be followed.

"(For me) to say anything outside of that, it would be inappropriate and premature to speculate on the re-classification or if there is to be a reallocation" Lewis said.

"So no decision has been made as yet about reclassifying T&T pending the response of the US Olympic athletes," Lewis concluded.

If Keston Bledman, Marc Burns, Emmanuel Callender and Richard "Torpedo" Thompson are upgraded to Olympic Games men's 4x100 metres silver, it would be the quartet's second promotion. Thompson was actually the fourth man to cross the finish line in the London sprint relay final, anchoring T&T to a 38.12 seconds clocking. A lane violation, however, led to the disqualification of third-placed Canada, and T&T moved into the bronze position.

American track star Tyson Gay received a one-year doping ban after testing positive for an anabolic steroid in 2013, and his results, starting from July 15, 2012, were annulled. Included on that list of disqualified results was the August 11 Olympic 4x100m final, United States having finished second to Jamaica.

Gay returned his silver medal, last year. And now, his teammates in the championship race-Trell Kimmons, Justin Gatlin and Ryan Bailey-have been asked to do the same. Jeffery Demps and Darvis Patton, who ran in the qualifying round, will also have to hand in their medals.

If the medals are reallocated, T&T will be promoted from bronze to silver, and France, from fourth to bronze.

If London 2012 men's 4x100m silver is awarded to T&T, the country's best ever Olympic performance would get even better-one gold, one silver and two bronze medals.


T&T teams invited for Rio Test event

Trinidad and Tobago Hockey Board (TTHB) president Douglas Camacho says his board is aiming for three other locations for artificial hockey turfs as the TTHB pushes for the further development of the sport.

Camacho and the TTHB is being supported in this development thrust by the FIH, the world governing body for the sport, and the Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) both of whose presidents were also present yesterday at the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (T&TOC) House in Port of Spain.

And Camacho announced that T&T hockey teams have been chosen to participate the Rio 2016 Test event in the popular Brazilian city in November.

FIH president Leandro Negre and PAHF president Alberto "Coco" Budeisky yesterday pledged their support to the development of hockey in T&T and throughout the region.

During their visit, Negre and Budeisky along with Camacho and some of the TTHB executive met with officials from the Ministry of Sport, the Sport Company of Trinidad and Tobago and the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee to discuss issues, concerns and opportunities for the sport here.

Camacho said the TTHB had identified and lobbied for more hockey locations throughout the country as part of its strategic plan moving forward, to grow participation. It wants the laying of artificial turfs at traditional venues like Pointe-a-Pierre and the Police Barracks in St James and another in Tobago to supplement the National Hockey Centre in Tacarigua.

"We believe we need at least four turfs , four turfs minimum, to encourage growth of hockey and ensure the proper development of the sport," Camacho said.

Camacho added that a new artificial surface had been approved but the TTHB was still in discussions with SPORTT as to where it will be laid.

Camacho also revealed that T&T will host two tournaments next year-the Female Pan American Junior Championships and the Pan American Cup-and that the FIH will be back in T&T next year to announce T&T's hosting of the FIH World League Round Five in 2016.

Camacho added that the Ministry of Tourism had also shown keen interest in the hosting of international tournaments as another opportunity to push sports tourism.

The former TTOC boss noted that T&T's success in the last nine months had seen the country taking part in more international engagements than in the whole of the previous quadrennial.

Negre announced that one of his goals as FIH head was to really push development in this region.

"It is a key region and a lot of people don't think about the Caribbean area. But we are engaging this (area)," he said.

Negre also added that T&T would need to drive development for the youth game, organise and host tournaments and compete in high level competition against top countries to sustain development.

Negre said further that the FIH runs programmes for high performance and umpires all around the world to facilitate the growth of the game.

The FIH he said, is especially proud of the attraction of the Hockey Five format which he compared to the T20 format in cricket and which he said is " a beautiful tool to promote the game."

Budeisky said: "T&T has a big, nice history with hockey...and T&T hockey has a big contribution to make as one of the top hockey nations in the region with a lot of experience to guide the younger hockey nations in the region."


HOME court advantage meant nothing, as all 11 local players exited at the first hurdle in singles when the Trinidad and Tobago International Badminton Tournament served off yesterday at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena, Tacarigua.

But there is still hope as Solangel Guzman is also flying the red, white and black flag. The Cuban whipped Mexican Mariana Ugalde 21-14, 21-16 to cruise into the "round of 16." However, Guzman is not expected to progress any further.

The player who was once ranked as high as No. 151 in the world but is now listed at No. 461 will come up against 86th-ranked Kate Foo Koon, the No. 3 seed from Mauritius, at 11.30 a.m. for a place in tonight's quarterfinals.

Nicholas Bonkowksy, the other player born elsewhere who is representing T&T, may have nightmares for a long time after squandering a golden opportunity to reach the last 16.

The Canadian of local roots was eventually upset 23-21, 21-18 by Soren Opti of Suriname. But Bonkowsky, who was crowned national champion in only his third local tournament two months ago, had blown six straight game points with a 20-14 lead in the first set and had won five straight from 11-6 down in the second.

The other four T&T males in the draw had qualified the day before and none was able to win a set.

Anil Seepaul had the toughest draw of them all as the five-time national champ came up against No. 3 seed Luka Wraber, and the Austrian, ranked 56th in the world, prevailed 21-8, 21-14.

National Under-19 champ Will Lee was overwhelmed 21-7, 21-3 by Maxime Moreels of Belgium, Chilean Ivan Leon defeated Alistair Espinoza 21-16, 21-16 and under-17 player Ihsaan Furlonge was beaten 21-11, 21-13 by fellow qualifier Dakeil Thorpe of Barbados.

Kerian Quan Chee, recently back after a four-year absence, was the only legitimate player from the host country to win a set yesterday. But after cruising through the first 21-12, the former national junior champ lost a heart-breaking second set 25-23 and was then edged 21-17 in the decider by Niria Baeza of Chile.

Tingting Chou, also of Chile, accounted for Avril Plaza Marcelle 21-12, 21-6; Reba Fleary was beaten 21-15, 21-15 by Barbadian Tamisha Williams; Bermary Munoz of Dominican Republic was a 21-10, 21-9 winner over Arielle Gomez; Jamaican Katherine Winter of Jamaica halted Kamasha Robertson and Leanna Castanada went under 21-12, 21-5 against Mexican Haramara Gaitan.

The top seed is Italian Jeanine Cicognini, who is ranked No. 59 in the world.

The men's draw received a tremendous shake up when top-seeded Israeli Misha Zilberman, ranked No. 43 in the world, was stunned 21-18, 21-19 in the first round yesterday by Mexican teenager Luis Ramon Garrido.

Second-round and quarter-finals matches are on today's schedule. The action gets going at 10 a.m. with the start of the men's and women's doubles draws.
